I stumbled across Thorngrove Manor a while ago when i did a google search to find beautiful old manors within South Australia to do my original Rebirth photoshoot. To my surprise when i decided to do some research on Thorngrove i discovered the manor was only built in 1994! Who would have known? You can book in to stay at this beautiful luxury hotel through many booking sites.
I'm just going to post some pictures now because 1. it doesn't have any real history and 2. the Manor speaks for itself.. prepare your eyes for the beauty.
nydia lehmann says...
Hi, thank you for including our images. Thorngrove has an amazing history, begun in 1984 and still evolving. There is a copy of its unique story in the state library- a journey in imagination. We would love you to do a photo shoot one day. Best regards
On Feb 24, 2016